Donnerstag, 24. März 2016

Max Goof (Goofy Movie)

Max Goof was a closet cosplay.

A friend of mine wanted to cosplay as Powerline from the Goofy Movie, so she asked me if I could come as well as Max.

Except for the ears, everything was from my closet.
There was no work, but it turned out so nice!
We went to Leipzig Bookfair and so many people took pictures of us. It was simply amazing to see how happy the people got, just because of our cosplay <3

pics by:
Jemima Kezia

Powerline: Jeannys bezaubernde Welt

Mittwoch, 2. März 2016

Chernabog (Fantasia)

Chernabog was the first cosplay I made.

 It was for a tradition at our school.
The students of the graduating class have to dress up.
Chernabog was for our Horror themed day!
I actually scared some people :D
Still I kinda want to make a better version of him.
The wings were made out of cardboard. Not very professional :'D

I did of course a genderbend version.